Monday, August 15, 2022

Goin where the southern cross blues paneaglesong wildstock


Amer I CAN has Awareness of disease state without explicit knowledge of memory failure in transient global amnesia america lies in the path of a saturn bio chemical storm breakdown and loss of humanism these RAP TAP SAP songs of THE SOL ROCKER in the STAR ROCK LEGEND and great rock canyon wildstock concert when I wrote these spontaneous and lost soul discovery on the cuff autonomic speaking talk the walk singing the paneaglesong rap wildstock battle psalms spoken chokin empty wasteland spillage evillage spin doctor recording and whomever zuckerborg bhellgate bozzos rockeheller goecho maninsanity kockbrothers population dissent social distancing us from the original consti-tune nation hypocratic hypocrisy doctors of shamanic slang language in the betelgeuse times and nuetralizer weapons of mass dysfunction abc and human genocide elimination the mind mania magicians media muddle motion madness and monopoly economic E-CON the Money end times this is the 16th day of WILDSTOCK 53 years after woodstock and now the poetic DREAM OF HOPE belies the faith reincarnation soul travel and dream visions to make no mistakes as paneagle wakus up from eneverland