We can live with no money and no mortgage. The answer to America is in the land. Here is a proposal for how to live this true law of real estate.
1) EVERYMAN who lives in a place must be allowed to own that place. Man must be allowed to live where he lives and live off the land in peace with his family.
2) MORTGAGE INTEREST banking dissolution. This end all mortgage interest payment if a property owned is paid for in full. Real Estate becomes the permanent primary capital resource fund support, and ends the current unreal money and gold standard.
3) HOMELESS FAIL-SAFE: a) Allow the homeless to have a home. b) Assist in rebuilding broken homes, just like the old Pioneer people did. c) Make each home an energy producer with SOLAR or GEOTHERMAL and ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. This priority will also end dependence on foreign and domestic Oil. Those with homes may remain in them, those who are without are supplied, and those who work most and best get the best choices. This exists today, but is not a working FAIL-SAFE system.
4) TAX DEFERMENT based on value and income. MAKE each CITIZEN part of the income INVESTMENT as a national priority in the rebuilding and energy supply system, as well as internationally.
5) RATIOCINATION is the national or international form of investment which we make available in the currency value of the country or area. Therefore, money becomes relative to need, not to want and greed.
6) CHANGE VALUES: TIME AND MONEY become part of relief or energy need, not based on money or time, but based on value and purpose, in receptivity and actualization.
7) EDUCATION AND MEDICINE become paid for dependent on need and produce income for all supporters and providers based on actual work done. This means those in supply or demand both are part of equation of values, and earning power. Free energy, education, and medical aid become proper financial supports.
The only loss in this system is the greedy and wealth merchants, and even they can survive here. That is, they cannot be greedy and ambivalent anymore. Every one is now in support of every one else.
They say 2012 is the END TIME
2012 is the end of the Mayan Calender. Some say it is the end of the world, but I do not fall into this group. The end of time has many points TO KNOW.
If you retire, the day of the week or the month or time of day is not important.
If you end slave labor or control by economics, time and money is not important.
You may still use time, or watch your money, but the focus changes. You are no longer co-dependent. Could this be part of the concept of no-time, the end of days.
JESUS walked through the market square and trashed all the tables. His message was to tell the sellers their greed was destroying good nature. He was rebelling from slave labor economics. How can we also find a way past taxes and death, in the form of the capital interest credit system and the modern banking monopoly which is helping destroy our environment and putting us all in slave labor conditioning?
The TEA PARTY people speak of going with less government. The end-time people can live without excess government, and without taxes. They may only be republicans wanting to win back private interest power, but they may also have some of the truth. Did the original Tea Party agenda to end taxes in Boston, 1770? No. It was only a statement of the corruption.
America also strives to beat the world, and competes for control. We do our best to also show the world freedom and liberty, but often this is invasive or corrupt form of freedom by will of power. It is not a unified program in agreement with those of other ideals and religions. The paradox of America is its basis of liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL, while we are set up in laws and legal system defending the rich. How can we end this injustice and corruption of the first natural law of man, which is to love and accept all, in faith and truth?
Iginal people live in all nations. American Originals are the AMERIGINALS, those who live in America, but also live in the world. The borders of the Iginal world is not in the national land border. This is only lived by those who are free, and those who accept all others. Everyone is an Iginal person, but the Ameriginals are American continent, and Asiaginals are of Asia. One can choose which and where, is free and liberty to live on his own land and place, in peace, and to accept all others on their own. Ameriginality is not a nationality, but it also accepts and allows our private or individual choice. How can we accept less? It is our national and human heritage, and as soon as we can accept this more universal concept, the sooner we can accept the FAIL SAFE SYSTEMS and IGINAL PEOPLES here and all over the world.
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