In this article, we will examine the coming of the AQUARIAN AGE, THE END OF THE MAYAN CYCLE, THE CELESTIAL EQUINOX, and THE 26, 000 SOLAR CYCLE in relation to Man and our Earth. The obvious fact is the end of the world is not coming. The end of times as we have known them is possible, but let's look at the conditions of the stars and humanity.
2012 CELESTIAL EQUINOX - the position of the SUN crossing the ecliptic and celestial planes in late 2012 is a SOLAR EQUINOX, like the symbols of the yearly change of seasons in the SOLAR YEAR, but much larger in scale of a once in 26,000 year event.
This end the MAYAN CALENDER, and begins a new cycle.
END OF TIMES - Could be as Man enters this new AQUARIAN AGE, where a global technology system and and earth-wide awareness comes into our perceptions, that adjustment to a more humane but universal, if not neutral attitude, and an entrance into a global if not dimensional and cosmic scale perception of humanity and our place in the universal scheme. This could have large distinctions for our interaction in world systems, governments, resources, ideology, and consciousness.
HUNDREDTH MONKEY - They sometimes call this the hundredth monkey, a condition when one Island of monkeys instantly picked up the new tool or ways of monkeys on another Island, when enough of the new monkey ways were picked up on the original Island. This passing of conscious knowledge or awareness is intuitively shared or picked up like radar. This could be occuring as man reaches a level of coordinated consciousness.
"Your an Millenium baby, a Millenium Child, Your an Aquarian age Woman, an Aquarian age Man, By Universal Acceptance, and Do No Harm, Your an Universal Spirit, a Universal Soul" (Song Aquarian Age, lyrics copyright Paneagle, EagleWorks, 2010)
AQUARIAN AGE - The end of the Pisces age, which included much turmoil, conflict, and vulnerability, victimization, pollution, illusion, along with art, creativity, religiosity, and sacrifice of men, nations, and people. Aquarius is the sign of space, science, universal man, freedom, independence, friendship, invention and unity while it also is neutrality, estrangement, coldness, foreigners, aliens, science fiction and humanitarianism, a mixed bag of worldly appeal and strange or unseen states of change.
This age has fast been approaching, but still man does not change quickly. In 2100 years since the time before Jesus, the Pisces reliance on religious values has been dominant. The appeal of man and his own freedom of lifestyle and the new inventions of science began to arrive in the 1500's, into the era of invention and industry, and the new technology of this past century. Now we finally arrive at a global realization of man and planet, so naturally unity or some combination of factors is in force, as we adapt and make ventures into outer and inner space. The latest thrust of Aquarian innovation came in the end of the century, and now in the 21st we have a Piscean adjustment, with concerns for environment, religious freedom and general vulnerability of people and nations. There is a conclusion we are to find
and discover both the needs and lack of ability to adjust unless unforced. The growing speed of this geometric progression is presenting the issues and the perception.
Now we come to the Pisces period in the United States since 2004 solar cycle for the next 30 years, so both the end of time and beginning is surely related to the importance of this country, and its place in the entire condition and inventions from the past 100 years. This building of power and position is also related to the universal immigration of people and awareness, which will be inherent in the coming age beyond.
The Celestial cycle of 2100 of Aquarius of course begins with changes, and some dramatic or world crisis involving land, oceans and people, volcanic or solar flares as only part of the conditions and changes or adaptations required by man. The world will not end, nor the common concept of time, but still ever broadening is a universal perception, and the acceptance of a far greater presentation of what man is and how intimately connected to this planet and events, in personal and in larger dimensions.
This is portions of what 2012 means. Being to this end of times past, let yourself see what the Aquarian future and end of time concept means for you.
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